Using internal Chat
On this page
Granting internal chat permissions
Starting an internal chat
Accepting an internal chat invitation
Sending chat messages
Inviting additional agents
Closing internal chats
Viewing internal chat history
Internal Chat can be used by agents to collaborate in real time, without the need fo
Creating chat widgets
On this page
Granting permissions
Creating chat widgets
Embedding the chat widget in a webpage
Embedding the chat widget in the customer portal
Integrating with Wordpress
Movidesk’s chat widgets can be embedded on a webpage so that your customers can communicate with your support team via the Chat
Introduction to APIs
On this page
Obtaining your Movidesk API token
Understanding JSON notation
Movidesk offers dozens of REST API resources so you can increase productivity and efficiency by easily integrating with other systems, or using ad hoc API requests to manage system records.
To use Movidesk APIs you
Customer satisfaction survey API
On this page
Customer satisfaction survey API concepts and usage
Object properties
Retrieve a survey question
Retrieve survey questions
Retrieve survey responses
Status and error reference
Customer satisfaction survey API concepts and usage
This API can be used to retrieve data collected by the
Billing agreements API
On this page
Billing agreements API concepts and usage
Object properties
Retrieve a billing agreement
Retrieve multiple billing agreements
Create a billing agreement
Update a billing agreement
Delete a billing agreement
Retrieve a billing agreement’s balance
Billing agreements API concepts and u
Telephony APIs
On this page
Telephony APIs concepts and usage
Phone call distribution
Sequencing API requests
RRCD – Incoming call
RRCD – Call transferred to agent
RRCD – Missed call
RRCD – Abandoned call
RRCD – Call ended
ECD – Call transferred to agent
ECD – Abandoned call
ECD – Call ended
Telephony APIs con
External sign-in API
On this page
External sign-in concepts and usage
Create a temporary access token
Access Movidesk using a temporary access token
Sign in to Movidesk from an external application
External sign-in concepts and usage
Movidesk offers two different APIs for external sign-in to provide you with additio
Understanding and applying the Chat channel
On this page
Understanding the chat widget
Understanding the chat group
Understanding the chat console
Customers can use Movidesk Chat to obtain live support on any webpage where you embed one of Movidesk’s chat widgets.
The chat widgets can also be used to search for articles in your knowledge ba
Using import spreadsheets
On this page
Importing people or assets
Importing tickets
Preparing the import spreadsheets
Ticket import layout
Note import layout
Attachment import layout
You can use various import spreadsheets when migrating data into Movidesk.
You can also use the Movidesk APIs to migrate data into Movi
Customer Support System Implementation Guide
On this page
How to use this implementation guide
Phase 1 – Define which channels will be used
Phase 2 – Map the tools you will integrate to Movidesk.
Phase 3 – Data loading and migration planning
Phase 4 – SLAs
Phase 5 – System configuration and static data
Phase 6 – Automation setup
Phase 7 – Inte
Creating and categorizing articles
On this page
Granting permission to create articles
Granting permission to create article categories
Creating article categories
Deleting categories
Creating articles
Managing articles
Template articles
Articles in the Knowledge base module are multi-purpose and extremely flexible. These will comp
Integrating Movidesk to RingCentral
On this page
Step 1 – Preliminary setup in Movidesk
Step 2 – Create a RingCentral app
Step 3 – Create a Heroku account
Step 4 – Install Git
Step 5 – Install the Heroku CLI
Step 6 – Configure the Heroku config vars
Step 7 – Download the integration
Step 8 – Deploy to the Sandbox environment
Step 9 –
People API
On this page
People API concepts and usage
Object properties
Retrieve a person
Retrieve multiple people
Create a person
Update a person
Associate a person with an organization
Delete a person
People API concepts and usage
This API can be used to retrieve, create, update, and delete records in the
Release Notes – 2020
On this page
December 17, 2020
December 12, 2020
November 26, 2020
November 19, 2020
October 29, 2020
October 22, 2020
October 15, 2020
October 1, 2020
September 24, 2020
September 3, 2020
August 27, 2020
August 20, 2020
August 13, 2020
August 6, 2020
July 23, 2020
July 16, 2020
July 9, 2020
July 2,
Release Notes – 2021
On this page
March 4, 2021
February 25, 2021
February 18, 2021
February 11, 2021
February 4, 2021
January 28, 2021
March 4, 2021
Minor adjustments and corrections for improved usability.
February 25, 2021
Added parameter to specify which holidays should be used when calculating time elapsed for
Implementing a sample help center design
On this page
Configuring the header
Configuring the main content
Configuring the footer
Configuring the tag
Configuring the tag
Verifying your help center configuration
This guide will walk you through implementing a sample design for your Movidesk help center. After following this guide your he
Importing agents, customers, companies, and departments
Importing agents, customers, companies, and departments
On this page
Choosing the right tool: People import or Bulk actions
Importing People
Preparing the import file
You can use the People import tool to create multiple users and organizations at once, or to make bulk updates. If you have not rea
Creating teams
Teams are used to group agents and distribute tickets. You can also take advantage of teams when setting up system automations and rule logic.
To create a team, go to Configurations > Teams and select the ✚ icon.
You can also create teams when using the People import spreadsheet. Teams created
Importing assets
You can use a spreadsheet import to create and update assets in bulk.
To import assets, select Assets in the sidebar, then select Import. See the Creating assets article for detailed information on how to import assets.
Triggers for tickets
On this page
Configuring trigger actions
Configuring trigger conditions
Triggers of the type Tickets are the most flexible, which make them the primary automation tool in Movidesk. If you have not read the Introduction to triggers article, we strongly recommend reading that article first. It cover
Quick start guide
On this page
Accessing the Movidesk help center
Navigating in Movidesk
Keyboard shortcuts
People — Agents, customers, and organizations
Chat, Facebook Messenger, and WhatsApp
Time and expenses
Internal messages and chat
Dashboards and reports
Asset management
FAQs – System related
Can I use a trigger to add more than one requester to a ticket?
Does a ticket note added by a trigger count as the “first response”?
Why isn’t my SLA time pausing on a ticket?
Why is my Closed ticket missing a resolution date?
Why was my time log split into multiple logs?
Why can’t I see a custom f
Integrating Movidesk to Jira
Last updated by: Knowledge Engineering Team on: 3/2/2021 2:30 PM
On this page
Creating an interface with Jira
Configuring Jira to integrate with Movidesk
Watch points
Creating a issue in Jira
Associating tickets between instances
The Movidesk integration with Jira can be used to automatically cr
Sending emails from the ticket form
To send emails from the ticket form, simply follow these steps:
Select Options on the upper-right corner and then select Send email.
Select which support account to send the email from.
Select the email addressees. You can also select CC/BCC to add CC and BCC recipients.
Enter the email subject, bod
Designing your organizational structure
On this page
A virtual organizational structure
Entities of organizational structures
Access permissions
Applying your organization settings in triggers
Applying your organization settings in approval rules
A virtual organizational structure
Most support teams will have a simple structure created
Creating a software catalog
A Service in Movidesk specifies any aspect which you will provide a service for—either to your external or internal customers.
You can easily build a software catalog using the built-in flexibility of Movidesk’s Service catalog feature. For example, you can create software lines of solutions in the
Creating a product catalog
A Service in Movidesk specifies any aspect which you will provide a service for—either to your external or internal customers.
You can easily build a product catalog using the built-in flexibility of Movidesk’s Service catalog feature. For example, you can create product lines in your first structur
Understanding workflows
On this page
When to use Movidesk Workflows
Applying Workflows
Routine work with Workflows
Maintaining Workflows
Workflows in ticket views
Triggers using Workflows
Access policies using Workflows
SLAs using Workflows
When to use Movidesk Workflows
Use Movidesk Workflows if you have clearly defin
Viewing ticket SLA details
The SLA details screen displays all information related to the ticket’s SLA targets, including any changes to the resolution due date.
To view ticket SLA details, select Options on the upper-right corner of the ticket form. Under the Options menu select SLA details.
See the Understanding SLAs artic
Understanding and using tags
On this page
Granting permission to maintain tags
Granting permission to create tags on the fly
Creating tags
Tags are a flexible tool for classification of records. The primary use of tags is to classify tickets, which can then drive logic on system automations.
Tip You can also use tags to drive
Understanding SLAs
Movidesk uses the popular concept of service level agreements (SLAs), offering plenty of flexibility and advanced resources to address simple or demanding business requirements. The SLA features are some of the richest in the market, but—as with all additional modules in Movidesk—we make them availa
Introduction to Asset Management
On this page
Enabling Asset Management
Who should use Movidesk Asset Management
What you can do with Movidesk Asset Management
The asset catalog
Importing and updating assets
Using triggers and macros
Enabling Asset Management
The Movidesk Asset Management module is fully integrated with Movidesk’
Creating assets
On this page
Granting permission to create assets
Creating assets
Updating assets
Importing assets
Preparing the import file
If you have not read the Introduction to Asset management article, we strongly recommend reading that article first. It covers basic concepts and terminology that are necess
Creating a service catalog
On this page
Understanding Services and service catalogs
What to consider when designing your service catalog
Granting permission to create, view, and select Services
Creating Services
Deleting Services
Disabling and enabling Services
Creating and exporting a Services list to Excel spreadsheets
Viewing ticket details
To view additional ticket details on the ticket form, select Options on the upper-right corner. In the Options menu select Ticket details.
Under Ticket details you can find:
General information about the ticket
Assigned agent history of the ticket
Status history of the ticket
List of merged tickets
Viewing internal chat history
To view the internal chat history, select Chat in the sidebar and then select Internal chat history in the chat console.
Alternatively you can select Reports in the sidebar and then select the Internal chat history report.
See the Using internal Chat article for more information.
Using round-robin in Chat
To enable round-robin chat distribution go to Configurations > Chat groups, then select the chat group for automatic chat distribution. Under Automated distribution select Automatically distribute chats.
See the Creating chat groups articlefor more information.
Using pauses on tickets
You can configure SLA rules to pause SLA time for certain statuses, for example if you’re waiting for a response from your customer.
See the Configuring SLA policies and terms article for more information on how to set up SLA rules for an SLA policy.
Understanding customer ticket views
Ticket panels and views are the primary way to filter and navigate between tickets in Movidesk. A ticket panel of the type Customer can be made available to a specific set of customers.
See the Understanding ticket panels and ticket views article for more information.
Understanding block hours
Block hours are pre-allocated billable support hours included in the monthly base amount of the billing agreement. They can be configured as an overall package, or allotted for specific combinations of activity and time type.
See the Understanding the billing agreement article for more information.
Understanding agent ticket views
Ticket panels and views are the primary way to filter and navigate between tickets in Movidesk. A ticket panel of the type Agent can only be selected by teams with access to that panel. Any ticket views in those panels will not be accessible to customers.
See the Understanding ticket panels and tick
Starting a chat from the ticket form
On this page
Granting permission to start chats in the ticket form
Starting chats as a customer
Starting chats as an agent
You can start chats from within ticket forms to facilitate real-time communication with agents.
Agents can invite other agents to chat about a ticket, and customers can invite
Setting up a chat group for Facebook Messenger
The Movidesk integration with Facebook Messenger centralizes all messages in the Chat module.
After connecting your Facebook Page to Movidesk, you must create a chat group to link to Facebook Messenger. The chat group should include all the agents which will provide support through the Facebook Mess
Scheduling automatic creation of tickets
On this page
Granting permission to schedule automatic ticket creation
Scheduling automatic ticket creation
Canceling automatic ticket creation
Merging and deleting automatically created tickets
In Movidesk you can schedule the creation of tickets, either as a one off scheduled ticket, or on a rec
Working with internal messages
On this page
Granting internal message permissions
Viewing internal messages
Sending internal messages
Managing internal messages
Internal messages are used by agents like internal emails within Movidesk, and can be accessed by selecting Messages in the sidebar. This will open the internal messa
Restoring default ticket panels and views
Movidesk has two sets of default ticket views, one for customer ticket panels and one for agent ticket panels.
If you want to load Movidesk’s default ticket views into a panel, you have the option to restore the Movidesk default ticket views. This will delete all current views from the panel and add
Reassigning a ticket
To reassign a ticket, go to the ticket form of the ticket. Note that you can only reassign tickets that you have permission to edit.
Select an agent or team in Assigned agent on the left pane of the ticket form.
Tickets can also be reassigned using macros and triggers. See the Using macros and Trigg
Working with Facebook Messenger
On this page
Using the Facebook Messenger channel
Understanding the 24h messaging window
Metrics and KPIs
To use the Facebook Messenger channel, you must connect your company’s Facebook Page to Movidesk’s Chat module. For information on how to configure the Messenger integration, see the Understan
Printing a ticket
To print a ticket, select Options on the upper-right corner of the ticket form. Under the Options menu select Print ticket.
Select which of the following should be included in the printed ticket:
Public notes
Internal notes
Internal messages
Change log
Select Print to open your browser’s printing pr
Performing bulk ticket maintenance
On this page
Granting permission to perform bulk actions
Performing bulk actions
List of available actions
Agents can use Bulk actions when they need to update multiple tickets at once.
Granting permission to perform bulk actions
To grant agents permission to perform bulk actions on tickets, go to
Monitoring webhooks
You can use the Webhook execution log to monitor the status of webhook requests made by Movidesk triggers. To access it, go to Configurations > Webhook execution log.
See the Using webhooks article for more information.
Monitoring phone calls
Call group administrators can monitor which agents have ongoing phone calls in Movidesk through the telephony console. To access the telephony console, select Telephony in the sidebar.
Note that while you can monitor which calls are ongoing in Movidesk, you must use your telephony system if you want
Merging and unmerging tickets
On this page
Granting permission to merge and unmerge tickets
Understanding ticket merges
Merging a ticket from the ticket form
Merging tickets from the ticket panel
Unmerging tickets
Merging tickets in Movidesk will combine ticket data into a single ticket, including ticket notes. Tickets can lat
Using webhooks
On this page
Setting up a Movidesk webhook
JSON data packet
Understanding the Webhook execution log
Webhook triggers can be used to send data about a ticket to another system when certain conditions are met. This is often a simpler alternative to a two way API based setup, as the other system does
Integrating Movidesk to chatbots
You can use the Tickets API to integrate Movidesk with a chatbot.
Configure the chat bot system to send API requests to create tickets and add ticket notes to document the chat conversation.
If the chat conversation needs to be transferred to an agent, send an API request to update the ticket and as
Triggers for knowledge base articles
On this page
Configuring trigger actions
Configuring trigger conditions
Triggers of the type Knowledge base will be evaluated whenever a major event happens to a knowledge base article, and can be used to send email notifications or internal messages.
If you have not read the Introduction to trigg
Triggers for incoming emails
On this page
Configuring trigger actions
Configuring trigger conditions
Triggers of the type Incoming emails will be evaluated anytime one of your support email accounts receives an email. See the Setting up email accounts article for more information on how to set up additional support email acco
Exporting tickets to Excel
Tickets views can be easily exported to Excel. This is the simplest way to obtain data from multiple tickets when you need to use that information outside of Movidesk.
Both agents and customers can export to Excel any tickets they have access to view.
To export tickets, select Tickets in the sidebar
Editing logged times
To view and edit time logs associated with a note, select the clock icon. This will bring you to the Time and expenses screen for the ticket.
Alternatively, select Options on the ticket form, then select Time and expenses.
In the Time and expenses screen, select the pencil icon on the options column
Editing expenses
To view and edit expenses associated with a note, select the clock icon. This will bring you to the Time and expenses screen for the ticket.
Alternatively, select Options on the ticket form, then select Time and expenses.
In the Time and expenses screen, select the pencil icon on the options column
Using round-robin and load balancing for automatic ticket distribution
Using round-robin and load balancing for automatic ticket distribution
Tickets can be automatically distributed and assigned to agents.
To automatically distribute tickets assigned to a team, see the Creating teams article.
To automatically distribute tickets opened via chat, see the Creating chat g
Understanding standard reports
On this page
Running standard reports
Granting permission to run each report
Exporting reports
Printing reports
In addition to metrics and KPIs, Movidesk also offers a number of reports so you review, aggregate, and export your customer service data.
Running standard reports
To run a report, selec
Designing your ticket forms
You can customize your ticket form for different scenarios by using display rules. Display rules add configurable custom fields to your ticket form if specific conditions are met. You can also use display rules to control whether custom fields should be visible, editable, or required.
See the Custom
Designing ticket web forms
To create a ticket web form, go to Configurations > Web forms and select the ✚ icon.
See the Understanding and using web forms article for more information.
Reopening a ticket
On this page
Granting permission to reopen tickets
Reopening a ticket
Tickets with a base status of Resolved, Canceled, or Closed can be manually reopened by agents.
Customers can reopen tickets with a base status of Resolved. These tickets can also be automatically reopened when an incoming email
Integrating Movidesk to WhatsApp using Twilio
On this page
Creating an interface with Twilio WhatsApp
Creating a chat group for WhatsApp
Configuring Twilio to integrate with Movidesk
Inviting customers to opt in
Using the Twilio WhatsApp integration
To integrate Movidesk to WhatsApp you must first obtain a WhatsApp business number through Twi
Integrating two instances of Movidesk
On this page
Granting permission to integrate two Movidesk instances
Creating an interface with another Movidesk instance
Configuring the webhook trigger
Watch points
Creating a ticket in the other Movidesk instance
Associating tickets between instances
Integrate two Movidesk instances so you ca
On this page
Default system language
User profile language
There are three primary items that control the language in your Movidesk system:
Default system language
User profile language
Default system language
You can select the default system language in Configur
Creating SLA notifications
On this page
Example scenario
Configuring a notification for tickets nearing their due date
Configuring a notification for overdue tickets
Configuring an automated escalation process for overdue tickets
If you use SLAs, you probably want your agents to be reminded when a ticket assigned to them is
Custom fields for People
You can create custom fields for the People master file in Configurations > Custom fields.
See the Custom fields for tickets article for more information on how to configure custom fields.
Read also
Custom field display rules
Custom fields for tickets
On this page
Understanding custom fields
Granting permission to create custom fields
Creating custom fields
Custom fields provide total flexibility for tickets and People records, so you can collect the right data at the right time. You can create custom fields with a wide variety of data types, t
Custom field display rules
On this page
Granting permission to create display rules
Creating display rules
Display rules are used to group custom fields, and can be used to control when custom fields appear on tickets.
There are two types of display rules: Ticket and User. The first is used to conditionally display custom f
Creating departments
To create a single department, select People in the sidebar, or go to Configurations > People, then select the ✚ icon. In the People form, select Department as the Type.
There are multiple other ways to create departments in the system, see the Creating people article for more information.
Creating companies
To create a single company, select People in the sidebar, or go to Configurations > People, then select the ✚ icon. In the People form, select Company as the Type.
There are multiple other ways to create companies in the system, see the Creating people article for more information.
Recording phone calls
Recording phone calls
To record phone calls you must set up call recordings in your telephony system, as Movidesk does not have access to the audio of phone calls.
To make phone call recordings available in Movidesk, you can configure the Telephony API to send a link to call recordings in the link p
Understanding and enabling your Facebook Messenger channel
On this page
Granting permission to manage the Facebook Messenger integration
Setting up a chat group for Facebook Messenger
Configuring the Facebook Messenger integration in Movidesk
Configuring the Movidesk integration on your Facebook Page
Movidesk’s integration with Facebook Messenger provides
Understanding and enabling your telephony channel
On this page
Enabling the Telephony module
Making phone calls from Movidesk
Call groups
Movidesk’s Telephony module is integrated with telephony systems using Movidesk’s telephony APIs. Agents can then use the active call screen to seamlessly associate phone calls with tickets, and even create cus
Creating call groups
On this page
Granting permission to create call groups
Creating call groups
Call groups correspond to specific call queues in your telephony system.
If you have not read the Understanding and enabling your telephony channel article, we strongly recommend reading that article first. It covers basic
Managing ticket panels and views
On this page
Granting permissions
Creating ticket panels
Editing ticket panels
Creating ticket views
Cloning ticket views
Restoring default Movidesk views
If you have not read the Understanding ticket panels and ticket views article, we strongly recommend reading that article first. It covers basi
Working on chat sessions
On this page
Entering a chat session
Sending chat messages
Understanding chat timeout for inactivity
Transferring chats and inviting other agents
Closing chats
Entering a chat session
When a customer opens a chat session, you will see a notification in the chat icon on the system header.
Joining a
Understanding ticket panels and ticket views
On this page
Understanding ticket panels
Understanding ticket views
Searching for tickets
Filtering tickets
Ticket panels and views are the primary way to filter and navigate between tickets in Movidesk.
Understanding ticket panels
A ticket panel is a set of ticket views that is made available to
Using internal tickets
Internal tickets are not visible to customers. You can quickly identify internal tickets by their purple coloring.
To grant an agent permission to make tickets internal, go to Configurations > Access profiles and select the Access profile applied to the user. In the Access profile, go to the Tickets
Turning ticket notes into articles
On this page
Granting permission to suggest ticket notes as articles
Suggesting a ticket note as an article
Approving and rejecting suggested articles
Agents can suggest ticket notes in Movidesk as potential articles for your knowledge base. This can often be an good way to improve your customer s
Selecting operating hours for SLAs
Business hours can be added to SLA rules so that SLA target date calculations take your operating hours into account.
See the Configuring SLA policies and terms article for more information on how to set up SLA rules for an SLA policy.
Logging time and expenses
On this page
Logging time on tickets
Recording expenses on tickets
Editing time logs and expense logs
Deleting time logs and expense logs
Reporting on time and expenses
Requiring that agents log time on each ticket note
Agents can log time and expenses on tickets, with each time log and expense lo
Creating and managing article surveys
On this page
Granting permission to configure the article rating survey
Allowing search engine indexing
Configuring the article rating survey
Viewing article ratings and feedback
Article ratings and feedback can be invaluable when looking to improve your customer documentation and knowledge base.
Designing your help center
On this page
Planning the structure of your help center
Enabling the Knowledge base module
Granting permission to customize the help center
Enabling your help center
Help center design elements
Designing your help center
You can use the Knowledge base module to set up and design your organization’
Creating and applying a web form
To create a web form, go to Configurations > Web forms and select the ✚ icon.
See the Understanding and using web forms for more information on how to configure web forms.
Working with phone calls
On this page
Accessing to the Telephony module
Changing your telephony status
Receiving a phone call
Registering the caller as a customer
Associating phone calls with tickets
Viewing call details on tickets
Transferring calls
Making a call from Movidesk
This article will cover details on how to us
Understanding and using web forms
On this page
Granting permission to create web forms
Creating a web form
Publishing a web form
Movidesk’s web forms can be used to provide a channel for your customers to submit questions, issues, feedback, suggestions, or service requests. Any situation where you would want to create a ticket in
Creating an account for your customer
On this page
Manually importing customer accounts
Manually registering customer accounts
Automatically importing customer accounts from a directory
Automatically importing customer accounts from another system
Allowing customers to create user accounts
Creating customers through the Chat channel
Creating agents
To create a single agent, select the ✚ icon in the system header and then select New user. Alternatively you can use the hotkey Alt+P
There are multiple other ways to create agents in the system, see the Creating people article for more information.
Working with parent tickets and child tickets
On this page
Granting permission to create related tickets
Viewing related tickets
Creating a parent ticket
Creating a child ticket
Relating a ticket to an existing ticket
In Movidesk you can create parent/child relationships between tickets to track related issues and establish dependencies.
If a
Creating and editing notes
On this page
Granting permission to create and edit ticket notes
Creating a new ticket note as a customer
Creating a new ticket note as an agent
Add attachment
Add previous attachment
Adding knowledge base articles to your note
Logging time and expenses
Editing notes
Viewing time and expenses logged
Creating a ticket
On this page
Understanding ticket creation channels
Granting permission to create tickets
Configuring required ticket items
Creating tickets as a customer
Creating tickets as an agent
Movidesk is an omni-channel customer support solution, so there are multiple ways for customers and agents to crea
Viewing the time log and expenses log
On this page
Granting permission to view and edit time logs
Granting permission to view and edit expenses
Viewing time and expenses
Editing time and expenses
Deleting time and expenses
Exporting time and expenses
The time and expenses screen displays all time logs and reported expenses on a ticket
Creating a service report from a ticket
On this page
Granting permissions related to service reports
Creating service reports
Viewing all issued service reports
Services reports include all billing information for time and expenses logged on a specific ticket.
You can create more than one service report for each ticket. Service reports
Creating a service report
To create a service report for a ticket select Options on the ticket form, then select Time and expenses.
In the Time and expenses screen, select Generate service report (SR) on the upper right corner, next to Options.
See the Creating a service report from a ticket article for more information.
Creating a self-registration channel for customers
To set up an account creation form in the sign-in page, go to Configurations > Parameters and under the Environment tab select Display the “Create an account” link on the Movidesk sign-in page.
For more information see these articles:
Creating a user account online
Obtaining a password online